ERA pra ser o Elvis Costello mas né, falhei. Usei como referência uma foto que o Bob Gruen fez dele.
Nem sou fãzona do cara, mas gosto da música (the angels wanna wear my) Red Shoes. Adoro principalmente o visual nerd/ a lá Buddy Holly que ele usava :3
Okay, obrigada aos que responderam a pergunta do último post - responderei aos comentários na....caixa de comentários. Ohó.
Consegui manter o ritmo de 1 postagem por semana por 2 meses! Não sei se conseguirei manter-me assim neste segundo semestre devido compromissos novos (ééé, coisas bem interessantes este fim-de-ano) MAS tentarei.
Due to some new visitors from other countries (oh yeah, they do exist!) I'll post all the non-sense things I say in English too (loads & loads of mistakes is better than nothing I suppose).
It was supposed to be Elvis Costello but, huh, FAIL. I used as reference a Bob Gruen's photo.
I'm not a big fan of Costello's work, but I like the music (the angels wanna wear my) Red Shoes...and can't help but to love the nerd/Buddy Holly style he used to wear :3.
For the past 2 months I've been able to post something new every week. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with it next semester (yeah, some new interesting things by the end on this year) BUT promise I'll try.
Any comments will be ansered in the...comment's box.